
Maximize Autistic Potential

Grass roots parent group dedicated to helping families diminish the symptoms of autism.

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We teach parents how to use targeted nutrition and detox to dimimish the symptoms of autism.

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About Max Autism

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My name is Walter Winesberry. I am the father of three children. My two sons were diagnosed with autism and my daughter has sensory issues. I have used my Biology degree to aid my research in finding ways to diminish the symptoms of autism over the last 10 years. I have found that nutrition and detox profoundly changed many areas of concern regarding autism, such as pathogen load, inflammation, metabolism and more. As a result I have witnessed most of the symptoms of autism be greatly reduced, and in some instances be eliminated all together in my children.

Please be sure to read the linked articles in the “about autism” section that provide a basis for Dakhari’s protocol. The protocol itself, provides my best efforts to manage autism over the last ten years and is available to members only. It may take years off of your autism search and more importantly change the way your child with autism functions. It has taken a decade of research and trial and error to drastically enhance the symptoms of wellness in my 3 children.

My oldest boy was diagnosed with Aspergers at 14 yrs old and my youngest son was nonverba and diagnosed with regressive autism at 3. These diagnoses were given to my sons within a year of each other, with my three year old son receiving his diagnoses first. My daughter was never diagnosed but had severe sensory issues at one time in her life. All of my children have had significant reductions in their symptoms but the changes in my youngest son have been the most noticeable, probably because his symptoms were more severe.

The journey that led to the creation of the nutritional regime now known as Dakhari’s Protocol started with Dakhari being non verbal at 18 months. In the beginning he had melt downs, irrational fears and an inability to connect with peers in addition to no language. We had no idea about how to change the way Dakhari functioned initially. In fact we literally had no experience with autism at all. Unfortunately, far to many families find themselves in a similar position each year. I’m inviting you to take advantage of my years of research with naturally diminishing the symptoms of autism today. You may have heard that early intervention leads to more positive outcomes in autism. This may be true, but different types of interventions have different impacts and I believe nutrition and detox should be the foundation of any intervention strategy. The great thing about this method is that you don’t have to spend months waiting to see someone, you can get started today. We guide you each step of the way along the M.A.P. (Maximize Autistic Potential) journey. The video presentations in the membership section inform parents of the core 25 nutritional and detox supplements we used to maximize our children’s health. The first of which is a proprietary green drink I created to address a primary feature of autism, which is pathogen overgrowth. Don’t take my word for it, research what others are saying about the connection between autism and clostridia and candida. 

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